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DUI & DWI Attorneys In Doylestown Pa.
If a driver is suspected of DUI, there is a mandatory “implied consent” when it comes to chemical tests in all states.
If a driver is suspected of DUI, there is a mandatory “implied consent” when it comes to chemical tests in all states. By driving on state roads and highways a person gives an automatic consent to be tested by police when there is reasonable suspicion of impaired driving.
Refusal to submit to implied consent laws results in a mandatory suspension of the driver’s license for six months to a year. Test refusal penalties are often more harsh than the penalties of a DUI.
Likewise, refusal to submit to a field sobriety test when medically able to perform one will also result in a license suspension.
Learn More: ​
Field Sobriety and Chemical Tests
Refusing a Field Sobriety Test and Chemical Test
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