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DUI & DWI Attorneys In Doylestown Pa.

If a driver is suspected of DUI, there is a mandatory “implied consent” when it comes to chemical tests in all states.

If a driver is suspected of DUI, there is a mandatory “implied consent” when it comes to chemical tests in all states. By driving on state roads and highways a person gives an automatic consent to be tested by police when there is reasonable suspicion of impaired driving.


Refusal to submit to implied consent laws results in a mandatory suspension of the driver’s license for six months to a year. Test refusal penalties are often more harsh than the penalties of a DUI.


Likewise, refusal to submit to a field sobriety test when medically able to perform one will also result in a license suspension.


Learn More: ​

DUI Laws

DUI Offence Basics

Field Sobriety and Chemical Tests

Refusing a Field Sobriety Test and Chemical Test

“Per Se” and “Zero Tolerance” Laws

DUI Convictions

Plea Bargains

Know your options. Contact the family law attorneys at Repko Law, LLC today at 215-348-9500
100 E Court St,
Doylestown, PA 18901
Or 877.749.7249
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