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Real Estate Law

My realtor has prepared an Agreement of Sale at the purchase price I want. Should I contact a lawyer before signing the Agreement?

- Yes. You should always consult with a lawyer before signing an Agreement of Sale. In Pennsylvania, most residential properties are sold pursuant to an Agreement of Sale on a form that is prepared by the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors that is quite good. Competent realtors will understand the necessity for an attorney review prior to signature. As your attorneys, we would meet with you and review the agreement as soon as possible because we understand the importance of timing in this field. The PAR Agreement prepared may require no changes but there are several options that need to be discussed that may warrant improvement to the Agreement.


Do I need a real estate lawyer if I am a seller working with a real estate agent?

- Yes. Our real estate lawyers will review your listing agreement and proposed agreement of sale to be sure the terms of these agreements protect you from liability and that contingencies arising from inspection results or buyer actions are reasonable.


Do I need a real estate lawyer if I am a buyer working with a real estate agent?

- Yes. A seller’s agent is there to represent the seller, not the buyer. He or she does not have your best interests in mind when trying to make the sale. As a buyer, you need someone who is dedicated to protecting your interests, not protecting the broker’s commission.


Will my real estate lawyer attend my closing?

- Yes. Our real estate attorneys will attend your real estate closing with you to explain all closing documents and ensure no problems arise that could delay the sale. If there is a last-minute change, we can help you negotiate that change and can draft appropriate language to insert into the documents.

Know your options. Contact the family law attorneys at Repko Law, LLC today at 215-348-9500
100 E Court St,
Doylestown, PA 18901
Or 877.749.7249
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