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DUI & DWI Attorneys In Doylestown Pa.

Doylestown PA DUI/DWI Lawyer, contact the law office of Repko Law, LLC, LLC today at 215-348-9500 to discuss your options with an experienced DUI/DWI defense attorney.

At Repko Law, LLC, we know how serious an arrest for driving under the influence can be.  We know that anyone arrested for DUI or DWI could potentially be incarcerated, placed on probation or parole, have their license suspended, pay fines and costs, be ordered to undergo drug or alcohol treatment, and more.  At Repko Law, LLC, we also know that having the right DUI/DWI attorney can often be the difference in being allowed to participate in a pre-trial diversion program, like Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition (ARD), avoiding jail time and avoiding a license suspension.


The attorneys at Repko Law, LLC stand ready to immediately help every client charged with DUI or DWI.  Our experienced DUI/DWI attorneys have defended people in all types of DUI and DWI cases throughout Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Northampton and Berks Counties.  At Repko Law, LLC, our attorneys know how to guide each client through this difficult time, from the moment of arrest through the end of their case.  As experienced drunk driving defense attorneys, we help people understand the charges against them and what rights and options they have to minimize the effects this can have their lives, and the lives of their families.


At Repko Law, LLC, our attorneys will not only help educate you as to the charges, penalties and options available to you, we will also aggressively work to make sure you are able to participate in alternative programs that will minimize any penalties you face, including placement into ARD, obtaining reduced sentences, house arrest and work release.  At Repko Law, LLC, we have a long history of working with the District Attorney’s Offices in every county to negotiate satisfactory resolutions to our client’s cases.  But when necessary, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to aggressively represent you at trial, and will work hard to have the charges dismissed.

So if you have been charged with DUI or DWI in Pennsylvania, call the attorneys at Repko Law, LLC so that we can help.


Learn More: ​

DUI Laws

DUI Offence Basics

Field Sobriety and Chemical Tests

Refusing a Field Sobriety Test and Chemical Test

“Per Se” and “Zero Tolerance” Laws

DUI Convictions

Plea Bargains

Know your options. Contact the family law attorneys at Repko Law, LLC today at 215-348-9500
100 E Court St,
Doylestown, PA 18901
Or 877.749.7249
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